Marisa's Reflexology
"Promoting healing from within"
Spiritual Healing is a complementary therapy that treats the whole person and aims to bring balance to mind, body and soul, as well as stimulate the body's natural healing ability.
Many energy therapies exist, Faith Healing, Reiki, Seichem Healing, Pranic Healing, Therapeutic Touch, Psychic Healing to name a few. The common denominator is that the healer acts as a conduit, channelling energy to someone who is in need of healing.
I can give you Spiritual Healing while you sit in a chair and relax. No clothing is removed and no oils applied, you just feel a relaxed calm as the energy passes to you. You may feel heat, coolness or vibration, every experience is unique to you. It is not necessary to have any spiritual belief to receive spiritual healing.
A treatment takes approximately half an hour.